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Lazy fur seal on a rock, Cape Foulwind, New Zealand Photograph by Lyl Dil Creations

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Comments (31)

Larry Kniskern

Larry Kniskern

Congratulations, Lyl – your sleeping wildlife has been featured by the Go Take a Hike Photography Group! Feel free to add it to the 2023 Featured Images thread in the group discussion board for archive.

Shoal Hollingsworth

Shoal Hollingsworth

Wonderful work. Thank you for submitting your image to the Pinnipeds Only Seals Sea Lions and Walrus Group where the image is now featured on the home page. Feel free to post this in the Featured archive in the group discussion page section L/F

Brittany M

Brittany M


David Choate

David Choate

Awww. so cute. Almost want to take him home with you.

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Outstanding capture and artwork! Fl

Beverly Guilliams

Beverly Guilliams


Nayan Khandelwal

Nayan Khandelwal

Such a beautiful shot :)

Suzanne Silvir

Suzanne Silvir

Great shot of this sleepy fellow!

Chante Moody

Chante Moody

One of the all-time cutest captures! I shared this on all my social media. :)

Marlin and Laura Hum

Marlin and Laura Hum

That's just precious!

Paul Freidlund

Paul Freidlund

Lovely capture!

Robert VanDerWal

Robert VanDerWal

Nice One!

Constance Lowery

Constance Lowery

love your lazy fur seal. L/F

Chance Kafka

Chance Kafka

so cute!

Kristina Rinell

Kristina Rinell

Cute capture!

Allen Beatty

Allen Beatty

Neat capture !!

Az Jackson

Az Jackson

Lovely. Good work.

Andrea Swiedler

Andrea Swiedler

Fantastic capture!

RicardMN Photography

RicardMN Photography

Very nice! l/f

Susan Porter

Susan Porter

Beautiful capture!

Kerri Farley

Kerri Farley


Leif Sohlman

Leif Sohlman

Beautiful capture of Lazy Fur Seal On A Rock, Cape Foulwind, New Zealand Lyl

Jim Love

Jim Love

Happiness is a nap in the warm sun...adorable capture

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Lazy fur seal on a rock, Cape Foulwind, New Zealand by Lyl Dil Creations
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